Wednesday, 15 October 2008

HEDKANDI - First thoughts

I began by thinking of the reasons why a fan of HedKandi (as a music and entertainment brand) would then choose to purchase other unrelated products sold by them. It might reflect another side to that persons life - if a girl is seen using a HedKandi product, it could be assumed that she enjoys clubbing, is a fan of dance music and she enjoys a good night out - all connotations are induced by the sight of the HedKandi logo.

Look¬ing through videos and photos on the HedKandi website, I was reminded of this photo by Michael Thompson; probably because of the content, but I liked the grainy quality and the lighting.

I’ve been searching for photos that possess the qualities I want in my work. I like black and white photography. When I think of the kind of style HedKandi want, I imagine lights, glamour, jewellery, taking their own phrase “deliciously stylish”.

I thought about coming back to the music aspect as this is the area HedKandi began – maybe even including elements of the live music HedKandi sometimes promote.

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